Clive Govender, CEO at CGC Consulting Services

Clive Govender

CGC Consulting Services

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Clive.

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Day 1

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017

09:50 Keynote panel: Embracing Innovation: How can you best develop the mindset of the organization?

What innovation is procurement bringing into the business?
Creating a framework for external collaboration: How can you work with your suppliers to bring innovation into the business?

What new KPIs can you set for your suppliers & procurement team to ignite innovation? What incentives can you provide them?

Providing the right tools: Is your procurement team equipped to innovate? Do their current timelines provide them enough time to innovate?

14:40 Panel discussion: Procurement as a linkage function: How can procurement facilitate and drive an improved and aligned dialogue between internal and external stakeholders?

How can procurement be more accessible to the rest of the organization?

Evaluating the influence of procurement: What criteria do you use?

Reversing communication channels: How can procurement take the lead with the sales teams?

What is procurement’s role in bridging communication gaps within the organization?

How can you succeed in getting your stakeholders to understand & support your procurement decisions?

Day 2

Saturday, January 6th, 2018

09:30 Interview: Evaluating the impact of global uncertainty on strategic procurement decisions: How can you best future proof your strategy?

How do you react to the current economic, political, and natural upheavals and how do you plan for the future?

Creating a risk assessment tool that incorporates political, geographical and natural uncertainties

How do you best manage a scenario where the government is artificially manipulating prices?

Effective contingency planning: How can you continually be prepared with a contingency plan that can take affect very quickly?

How can the business prosper in an environment where change is the only certainty?